
Twitter Leans into Emerging Video Trends with New Video Showcase Elements

  Twitter Leans into Emerging Video Trends with New Video Showcase Elements It’s not going ‘full TikTok’, but Twitter is looking to lean into emerging video consumption trends, with  two new updates  designed to improve the Twitter video experience – and ideally, get people spending more time in the app. First off, Twitter’s adding a new option that will  expand tweeted videos to full-screen mode  with a single click. “Once the video has been launched in full screen mode, we’ve made video discovery easier as well. Just scroll up to start browsing more engaging video content. If you want to exit the viewer and go back to the original Tweet, click the back arrow in the top left corner.” Seems familiar, right? So now, you’ll be able to discover more video content, specifically, in the app by entering a vertical scrolling feed of clips, which will be sorted by Twitter’s algorithms, enabling it to showcase more of the best-performing videos in the app. In addition to this, Twitter’s also lo